It has been a challenging two weeks. Dog has been undergoing radiation therapy and has been, hmm, disinterested in writing at the computer to say the least. I’m back though! Seriously, it has been an up and down time of treatment with physical, mental, and emotional swings. I haven’t been in the right frame of mind to blog much. Luckily I’ve been surrounded by family and friends who have been helping me along, whether in person or virtually. Thank you all!

Today is Friday the 13th and the lack of blog posts has been frightening. Shockingly bad joke, I know. Have we met? Since my last post, Dragon has made the final trip of the year up the Norwegian coast on a quest to find the northern lights. It’s been wicked cold for October, but winter comes early up there. No northern lights yet, but she’s still hopeful. For more in the moment updates on her daily adventures be sure to follow the Dog and Dragon Adventures Instagram.

In two days Dog is getting on a flight to England with a brief layover in Iceland. From London he will travel by bus to Southampton. On October 18th Dog and Dragon will finally be reunited. Finally! It won’t be long now until we are finally updating you all on our journey and adventures together.
It has been a crazy three months for us. In 27 years together we’ve never been apart this long. We’ve each had our own unique experiences, challenges, and opportunities. Dog is admittedly as excited as a puppy at this point. Thanks everyone for your patience over the last few weeks. Once again, more to come in the very near future. Peace!

Perfect short video to end this post. ((:
I thought that fit perfectly there. Thanks!
Excited for y’all! Looking forward to reading the D+D combo travels soon!
Thanks B! Can’t wait to write those posts. :o)
In your throwback picture, how come Dog looks so young, but Dragon looks the same? Or, stated another way, why does Dog get older and Dragon does not? Dog and Dragon together again–the way it should be.
Soo excited for you both!!