Since Dragon went aboard as a cruise ship RN she has had many opportunities to visit a variety of places she had never been before including Norway, England, Scotland, Iceland, Ireland, and Greenland. One of the most memorable experiences she’s had to date was an amazing sea day on August 18th. Normally sea days don’t rank very high on the excitement scale. Her experience on the 18th stood out as decidedly different.

The day began with the ship passing a massive iceberg in the morning. Due to current conditions the ship was able to take an unusual route to the next port by passing along the length of Prince Christian Sound. Prince Christian Sound is a long narrow fjord from east to west along southern Greenland. The roughly 60 mile voyage along the sound took several hours. Dragon was off call that day and had time to enjoy the sights from the crew area on the bow. It turned out to be a beautiful day, although still chilly. Greenland is still quite frosty even in summer.

The WIFI was surprisingly strong on the bow of the ship, so Dragon was able to video call Dog for a short time to share in the experience. The waterway the ship traveled was very narrow, with steep, barren mountains on either side extending right down to the water. While there wasn’t a tree to be found, there were numerous glaciers, waterfalls, and smaller icebergs all along the voyage across the sound.

The journey along Prince Christian Sound was a truly astonishing experience. Despite being over 2500 miles apart Dog and Dragon were able to share the experience together, which made for an even more amazing sea day.