As discussed in our last post, Moving Abroad Challenges: Chaotic Twists and Turns, there have been an ongoing series of unexpected challenges and changes. That has not changed, but in fact has continued in the same manner. This post is just a quick update on the latest twists and turns to our plans. As Steve commented in the last post, “flexibility is the key to air power”. While this whole adventure doesn’t have anything to do with military air superiority the point is valid. Thanks Steve for the reminder that it is important to roll with the punches and stay adaptable.

In the last post we mentioned that Dog was scheduled for a biopsy in mid-July. This week we received a call from the scheduler indicating an earlier opening was available. The biopsy has now been rescheduled for Friday, June 30th. Of course, that means no flight out to Puerto Vallarta on June 23rd. Left turn Clyde… Flights are cancelled. AirBnB is cancelled. Thank you Luis for the last minute cancellation!
Flexibility is the key to air power!
So what does the plan look like now? That’s the current question. Here’s a short attempt at an answer since it is super likely to change again at any given moment. June 30th biopsy for Dog. July 12th flight out for Dragon with a destination aboard a cruise ship. Dog’s immediate plans are dependent on the results of the biopsy. Fingers crossed Dog will also fly out around the 12th. Destination TBD! Turns out we have a decent pile of pesos that need a new home, so in all likelihood it will still be somewhere in Mexico. With that in mind, this picture sums up the current potential plan at the moment. The chaotic twists and turns continue to happen. We’re taking them one at a time and seeing where they lead us.

Sounds like Dog is almost ready to become a Chichimeca. Or perhaps the more modern digital nomad—read Mexico is a great place for that. Otherwise, Kelso basement is still available. And we take pesos.