First of all I want to apologize for the lengthy delay between posts. Summer has been a whirlwind of activity and changes. Time for a brief Dog and Dragon summer 2024 update to get you all back up to speed before we get back into the flow of ongoing updates.

What We’ve Been Up To
What have we been up to since our last post in May? After disembarking the Oosterdam we visited Trieste and Lake Bled before heading to Venice. We toured the iconic Italian city with some friends from Colorado for a few days before flying back to the States. Back in Colorado we spent most of June catching up with our friends and family. We had a great visit back to our home city, with much relaxing, socializing, and far too much eating! We even snuck in a trip to Seattle for an amazing wedding in the forest and a chance to see family and friends there who we hadn’t seen in years.

What Has Happened
During our time back in Denver Tiffany got her new assignment. She was contracted to work aboard the Seaborne Pursuit, a newer, smaller ship on Carnival’s luxury line. Her initial request for Bob to join was denied. We bought a car, reconfigured some of our travel gear, and made new plans for the immediate future. Tiffany set out for Australia on July 19th.
While this current separation feels oddly similar to last year with Bob once again living in Boulder and Tiffany onboard a ship somewhere across the world, there is a practical bright side unfolding in two aspects. First, we’ve decided it is time to sell our Arvada house so this gives Bob the opportunity to take care of that task while in country. Second, despite being licensed to sell insurance for the past year it wasn’t feasible to do any insurance sales last year while cruising to parts unknown. Bob is planning to spend this time building his Medicare insurance business.
Where We Are Now
So here we are. Dragon is currently sailing the NW coast of Australia. She has added that last continent to the list. Her upcoming voyages will explore Australia, Papua New Guinea, Micronesia, the various islands of the South Pacific, and eventually bring her back to South America and Antarctica. In the meantime, Dog will be in Colorado working on his tasks for a more sustainable Dog and Dragon future.
I’ve been told that I should be a little more personal in these posts and less matter of fact. I guess that means I should let you know how we’re feeling about everything right now. While we are both understandably bummed to be apart again we are looking at this situation as an opportunity. We really need to deal with the house. Bob also needs time to build his business. Our present situation forces us to do both of those things. Being apart sucks! There are silver linings though. This crazy life we’ve undertaken keeps surprising us and we have to keep adapting.
That feels like a pretty weak attempt at being more personal, but its all you get at the moment. Baby steps. 😀
What’s to Come
Like we did during this time last year we plan to continue to blog about Dragon’s adventures. Dog has a lot on his plate at the moment, so the updates may come less frequently. Know that they are still coming. We’ll do our best to keep you in the loop and update you as often as possible. Until next time, cheers friends!

Pingback: Dragon Expedition: NW Australia - Dog and Dragon Adventures